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tv   CNNI Simulcast  CNN  January 6, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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hernandez may be found not guilty? >> that's my biggest fear. all it takes is one juror. >> we love you, odin. ♪ ♪ >> hello. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. we do have pretty significant breaking news to tell you about in the search for air asia. >> that's right. i'm errol barnett. let's bring you the update. the tail of air asia has been found. that's according to the search and rescue division there in indonesia. what you're seeing now on your screens are the very first images that we're getting that show us what exactly they dis discover discovered. as far as we know, the chief of
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the emergency search and rescue group that is announcing this they're saying the letters that they can see based on these images. you can see the letter a there in the distance. you can see km. we're also told the world air can be seep. this is consistent with images that appear on the tail section of air asia planes. all of this breaking very recently. let's go ahead and bring in our anna kourin who has been tracking every twist and turn in this story. anna this news only just breaking in this past hour. just bring us up to speed on what we know exactly. >> yeah huge break through in the search for asia flight 8501. as you said the head of the search and rescue agency here in indonesia announced they have located the tail of that plane.
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we believe the same divers that entered the water this morning, this tail was found in the secondary search area. now, we don't know the depth at what the plane tail was found at. we don't know also whether it was pings that led the searchers to this specific location. the head of the agency refusing to comment on those specifics. but certainly a major break through because as we know with this airbus a-320, this specific plane, the black boxes, the two black boxes, the flight data recorder and cockpit recorder are both located in the tail of the plane. they hold the answers as to what exactly happened to this flight when it departed. on the 28th of december off to singapore. about 42 minutes into the flight it just disappeared from
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the radar a few minutes before that the pilot had asked to climb to a higher altitude. there were thunderstorms in the area. and as i say, minutes later, the plane disappeared from the radar. it crashed into the java sea and now day 11 finally, they have found the tail and hopefully with it they'll be able to down load the information from the black boxes and get some answers. >> anna just as you speak to us we're looking at these images the officials are looking at for the first time. anyone who's interested to know what happened to this flight certainly the relatives of the passengers will be seeing for the first time. one thing we know as well according to the chief of the indonesian national search and rescue agencies is these images were taken by divers as they went down. not one of the under underwater kind of vehicles that are used in cases like this. the divers preparing to go under water once again.
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last hour you also indicated the divers had seen the weather conditions had proved in one area. so the sense is that at least for today, with this positive development, there may still be some time for the divers to see exactly what's down there. those divers back to investigate this debris, this tail. all search vessels in the area are being devoied. all assets are honed in to find more debris, find the fuselage find another body. another body was found in the water. we've yet to get confirmation as to whether it's been pulled out of the water, but certainly another body located. that takes the number now to 40. 40 of the 162 passengers and
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crew onboard that air asia flight 8501. the belief are the majority of the passengers and crew are with the fuselage, the main chunk of the plane, still strapped into their seats. the feeling is that once they find that debris they will find the bodies. and for the families who come here every day, this is what they want. they want news that their loved ones have been found. their bodies can be returned to them and they can then you know, give them a proper burial. soo this is the hope day 11 there are fears because of the bad weather conditions we are in the middle of a monsoon season in indonesia, this could drag on for days weeks, if not longer. the significance of finding the tail and hopefully these black boxes, we don't know whether they physically found the black boxes yet, but they were in the tail.
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it's only a matter of time before those divers do find them bring them back to the surface and that vital information is down load sod that we can then get some answers as to what happened to this plane. >> a major break through in the analysis of what happened. just past 1:00 p.m. there in indonesia with that breaking news and update. thanks very much. >> yeah hugely significant. we are joined now by greg waldren. he's on the phone with me now from singapore. so greg we know that based on reports, at least, we are led to assume that bad weather led to aerodynamic stall likely and that's what brought the plane down. tell us what the black lox recovery can tell us.
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>> they're actually crucial to gaining an understanding to what happened to this aircraft. they will contain conversation from sighs to content to conversations they had with each other in the cockpit when this crisis occurred. and the flight data recorder will provide information about all aspects of what was happening with the aircraft when the disaster occurred as well. it will give a detail eded picture of what was going on. what does it take to down load information from a black box down into a computer? >> it's going to be a long process. even though they discovered the tail. first, they have not heard any pings. it's by no mean certain the
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cockpit recorders are located within the tail. they might have fallen free which could create some issues. but even if they are actually inside the tail it would be similar to removing a hard drive from a damaged computer. it's something you want to do very carefully and slowly and deliberately. so you remove that equipment from the aircraft and then it will be taken to a secure location and there will be a very careful, methodical process by which the data is opened up and by which the data is extracted. and this process will be filmed. there will be officials on hand. it's kind of a long process. but the key is they want to make sure the integrity of the data is kept sacred and is not damaged. and that's absolutely key to understanding what happened here. >> it's been over a week since this crash happened.
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there's been monsoon ss over the java sea. if the black boxes have broken free from the tail how likely is it that they are at least close by. is this any indication that the black boxes are nearby or not at all? >> well, one would assume given the depth of the water if they had come free, they would be fairly close by. it seems they've been discussing the debris field as being fairly compact, suggesting that the aircraft might have been intact when it actually hit the water, which suggests that they won't be far away. but then again, you know they haven't located the pings yet. from what i understand it's very murky down there. it's very difficult to see and that makes things difficult for the divers because you have to consider the safety of the divers as well. they will do a professional search and they can actually be in the tail which i think would be the best outcome for finding the recorders.
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>> we want to remind our viewers who are just joining us. they have indeed located the tail section. you can see it right there on your screen with the letters a, i, also the letters x and a have been found from air asia flight 8501. this could mean the black boxes have now been found. we will, of course keep an eye on this story. >> security officials in yemen say 27 people were killed dozens more wounded in a car bombing outside of a place academy in the nation's capital. >> and one person is dead after a gunman open fired at a veteran's hospital. this happened in texas just a few hours ago. a official said the gunman shot
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himself after killing a doctor. we don't know the motive at this point. it's certainly unclear, but the fbi is handling the investigation. >> police are investigating a suicide bombing in istanbul. a woman speak english detonated a bomb inside a police station, killing a police officer, wounding another officer. so far there's been no claim of responsibility but an outlawed marxist group said it planned a new year's day grenade attack on police outside an istanbul palace. they were behind a suicide bombing at the u.s. embassy last year. along with several attacks on police stations. >> and the united states said cuba has freed some 53 people regarded as political prisoners. the release was agreed pop when barack obama made headlines, the diplomatic shift after five dick kads of hostileityhostility.
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>> the u.s. state department says they would like to see all detainees released in the near future. >> i also thit's important to note that we've been very careful about discussing these prisoners in this process because we're not looking to put a bigger target on cuban political dissidents. we're looking to get them released. >> another plunge in oil prices. by the way, they're the lowest since five years, by the way. but it's taken a toll on world financial markets. we'll have what countries like venezuela and russia are trying to do to soften that blow. >> plus we'll peek inside a time capsule buried almost 200 years ago. discover card. how can i help you? oh, you're real? you know i'm real! at discover, we're always here to talk. good, 'cause i don't have time for machines. some companies just don't appreciate the power of conversation! you know, i like you! i like you too! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you.
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>> divers get what is believed to be the first glimpse of the tail on the bottom of the java sea. the letters that are visible in these pictures give an indication that this is in fact the air asia tail. this is of course a crucial development as the tail is part of the plane that carries the flight data the flight voice orders as well. described as the black boxes.
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this holds the potential to answer so many questions about what took this flight down. we'll update you on more developments as we get them. this news coming to us about one hour ago. but first, we want to talk about the global markets. the price of crude fell even further on tuesday. >> here's why. take a look at this. light stweet crude is selling at just below $48 a barrel. that's the lowest in five years. brent crude is slightly above that but both were down more than 4% on tuesday. >> and the dow jones industrial average fell 130 points. that's its second triple digit drop in a row. the nasdaq was down 60. and the s&p fell 18 points. >> iran is taking the biggest financial hit right now to break
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even. it needs oil prices at $140 a barrel. we're nowhere near this. algeria, needs $1 2 a barrel. and venezuela and nigeria each need $120 a barrel. angola also needs oil price offense close to of about $1 00 a barrel as well. and russia needs oil pliesrices at $105 a barrel. china is benefitting in the slide to oil prices. will rippley joins us live from beijing. i want to talk about venezuela. they're a major customer. what is he looking for. how is he looking for china to help the economy amid china's oil prices. >> the official line is that he's looking at a new project. new opportunities here in asia
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meaning not only with china, but also with other opec nations. but the reality is venezuela is looking for a lifeline here. they already received more than $50 billion in loans. and now they're asking for china to write another big check, billions more essentially to bail them out. you saw that map there. remarkable for a country that relies on oil for almost 96% of its exhort income. a huge part of its gdp is oil revenue. when you have prices below $50, when you're budgeting for $120 a barrel barrel the economic devastation potential is just really huge. and so venezuela needs some help. but frankly, we're getting some indications that you know if china does consider doing this there are going to be a lot more strings attached than previous loans given the precarety of venezuela's financial situation. >> they are in a recession. they heavily, as you mentioned,
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rely on oil as a foreign export. what else is the president doing to try to alleviate the falling oil price for his economy? >> well that's what a lot of people in venezuela are asking. that's why his popularity ratings are so low. i was reading through some of the venezuela newspapers today. the number one head lean isn't the fact that he's making this trip to try to drum up more income it's the fact that the trip is so expensive. the trip to asia taxpayers are footing the bill at a time when they don't really have cash. this goes back to policies that are becoming more and more unpopular. they built this country's budget up around oil and oversized oil. the kind of oil prices that china helped rise up by bidding higher and higher over the years. but china is not bidding as high
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for oil anymore. we're seeing what's happening globally. that's a really good question, what will venezuela do if china says no to this loan? and frankly a lot of analysts don't really have a good answer right now. >> i know that president maduro is meeting with other opec questions. we'll watch closely to see what happens as a result of the meeting in china. thank you, will. appreciate it. a time capsule buried more than two centuries ago in boston is opened. its contents revealed. we'll show you what's inside after this. in my world, wall isn't a street... return on investment isn't the only return i'm looking forward to. for some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families
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speak with your eyecare professional to... ...upgrade your lenses to transitions ® signature ™ . 12k3w4r50erkz 12k3w4r50erkz. >> we're going to update you on a search for air asia. crews have found what they believe is the airliner's tail section. we're looking at the first glimpses we're getting from under water of what divers found. ships and planes are now heading to this area where the tail was found and n what's described as the secondary area. the plane's flight recorder so-called black boxes, flight data flight voice recorders are usually located in the tail section. but we should note that there's no word yet on whether or not they have been found. we will certainly keep you posted on this break through on a breaking story. a time capsule is opened in boston more than 200 years after it was buried by american
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revolutionaries, samuel adams and paul revere. >> it was certainly a pain staking process. it actually took seven hours to remove the capsule from the massachusetts state house in december. obviously you just want to be so careful with things like this. and on tuesday, it took more than four hours to loosen the screws holding the capsule shut. you can see it there. >> all that hard work led to some remarkable findings. >> the box itself is actually pretty small. just 5 1/2 by 7 1/2 inches. here are all of the things that came out of it. some 220 years after it was first put together back in 1795. here's what they found. a paper seal of the commonwealth of massachusetts, five different folded newspapers and 24 coins. one of them stretching as far back as 1652. another with the imprint of george washington. and perhaps the thing that was most significant to a lot of people this silver blaet.
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if you're able to look closely on it you would see the names samuel adams and paul revere. they are the two men who put all of this together back in in 1795. that place it under the courthouse. the box was found in 1855. they decided to put it in a brass box made for the occasion. the lid of the box is described with the name of its maker. and the white stuff, that's some of the plaster when it was returned to the cornerstone. one day those items will be returned to the state house, but first there will be earths to made to conserve what was found inside. then the items will be put on display. it will be a chance for anyone who wants to see a part of the story of this nation's history just the way that a great paid ottawa and founding father wanted us to see it. in boston alexandra field, cnn. >> so that's a glimpse of a few hundred years into the past.
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but let's look deeper into our history. nasa has released a new image that's truly out of this world. take a look the hubble space telescope took new images of the so-called pillars of creation. take a look at that. the pillars photographed by hubble back in 1995 are three giant kolcolumns of cold gas that provided nasa with insight into star formation. >> wow, yeah. and these new images were taken with the most advanced high definition tools. you can see the upcoming 25th anniversary of the hubble telescope. the original images were actually very popular and appeared in movies t shows and actually even on a u.s. post taj stamp. >> unstg. very nice. >> now, in the west bank, the greek orthodox patriarch led midnight christmas mass at the church of bethlehem. >> orthodox christians typically celebrate the holiday in january and not in december. as they do in the western world.
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they follow the julian calendar instead of the gregorian. >> it's bitterly cold around bethlehem right now. temperatures have dipped ahead of a crucial storm moving in as we speak. our resident expert joins us. there's a storm coming in. how bad is it likely to be over there. >> it's going to produce a lot of snow. some of our models say jerusalem could get as much as ten inches in a few of these spots. we're talking about significant snow accumulations across portions of israel. 25 centimeters. it doesn't happen every single day, but we saw that last year which is among the most we've seen in decades across the region. out across portions of lebanon into jordan many many upwards of 3 million displaced across this region. syrian refugees in makeshift shelters across the region. look at the roof tops you know the winds will be powerful. a lot of people are going to be impacted across dozens of camps across this region. winds, 50 60 kilometres per hour. enough to cause a lot of damage
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when you're talking about just the makeshift shelter that are in place here and the snowfall weighing down. that could also cause some issues. krems cold beginning to move in. and the center of it right over central turkey. blizzard-like conditions. take a look. also travel disruptions on the roads with the snow accumulations that we saw. the storm at this point, off the eastern mediterranean coastline. lebanon hosting some of the highest number of refugees across that region. and unfortunately the terrain is such that the vast majority of the refugees are situated above 1,500 feet 500 meters. a lot of smoke affected that could see significant accumulations. you could see up to 15 centimeters of snowfall over the next couple of days over this region. let's take you out towards western europe. a pretty potent storm stm coming in.
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powerful winds delayed. some flights across the region lon dop, winds could get up to 70 kilometres per hour as we head on thursday night into friday. also the airport in amsterdam, closing in on 60 or so kilometres per hour. so certainly, some travel disruptions possible across this region. and the billboard is such that 30 to 45 minute some areas possibly 65 minutes out of paris because of fog. your eyes really are unique. in fact, they depend on a unique set of nutrients. that's why there's ocuvite to help protect your eye health. as you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite is a vitamin made just for your eyes from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. ocuvite has a unique formula that's just not found in any leading multivitamin. your eyes are unique so help protect your eye health with ocuvite. do you have something for pain? i have bayer aspirin. i'm not having a heart attack, it's my back.
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8501. you can see early images of it here. this is located in the expanded area of the ongoing search zone. divers took these images of the tail on the sea floor. early information but it's very promising. the black boxes are located in the tail section. they could provide answers as to what went wrong. however, we should note that no word yet on whether those black boxes have been found. >> anna, this is obviously very significant news the tail section now has been found. now that the weather has cleared up. do we have any sense of how long it' going to take for divers to actually go down there and recover the tail section? >> i know we can say the weather
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has cleared up. divers are able to get into the adequate water. weather is going to play havoc but this is a major break through. discovering the tail of air asia flight 8501. now a short time ago, we heard on twitter from tony fernandez, the ceo of air asia and he said that if this is the right part of the tail then the black boxes should be on there. we are just assuming that the tail is fully intact and the two black box, the flight data and cockpit audio recorders are there intact as well. with the tail in that specific vicinity. we know that divers are back in the water. they are inspecting the tail as we speak. those images that you are showing to our viewers, they were taken by the divers this morning. so certainly it's very promising. the head of the sernl and rescue
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agency here in indonesia making that announcement you know about an hour ago is really so significant. because once they retrieve those black boxes, it is hoped they have the answers as to what went seriously wrong, this aircraft, the a-320 air bus, we know with the specific planes the black boxes are located in the tail. that's not the case for all aircraft. but as i said, all assets, all vessels, aircraft is being thrown at this particular area. it's in the secondary search area. we don't know, the pings with the black boxes led the search party to that specific piece of
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wreckage. we're hoping in the coming hours we will hear from that team that they actually detected the black boxes. >> so many assets so many aircrafts. so many involved in the search from indonesia, malaysia and the united states. i'm sure all of those countries will be pulling together if the black boxes are found indeed help to look at what went horribly wrong in this plane crash. >> we're getting new video now of a deadly attack in the yemeni capital. a bar bombing killed at least 27 people and wounded dozens of people there. authorities say this happened in front of a police academy. you see some of the devastation. apparently police recruits were there waiting in line to go inside before the detonation occurred. no one has claimed
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responsibility yesterday, but al qaeda in the arabian peninsula has carried out a number of attacks in recent months. >> air strikes continue against isis militants in syria and iraq. war planes hit isis targets near khobani in syria on monday. in iraq targets were held near al asad. our barbara starr has more. the u.s. now believes isis' momentum in iraq has stalled. also possibly slowing down the number of new foreign fighters traveling to iraq in and syria according to a seen your u.s. official. the u.s. believes about 150 people from the u.s. have
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traveled or attempted to travel to the region to fight. part of the 3,000 werners from 90 countries. >> we know we destroyed hundreds and hundreds of vehicles artillery positions, checkpoints. we know we've killed hundreds of their forces. >> exactly how many isis fighters? >> don't have the ability to count every nose that we shwack. >> syria remains their safe haven. isis fighters in a new video in the syrian border town of khobani, claiming gain. but kurdish fighters say they control much of the city. the pentagon is careful not to predict victory just yet. for months, isis moved with lightning speed, taking the tound of mosul, move into
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fallujah fallujah. but in the last few weeks, isis has not taken new significant ground. instead, they've had to go on defense, trying to hold on to what it has. >> they're having trouble paying their fighters. they're having trouble governing. they don't have the leaders to govern the spaces they attacked and have taken over. >> but with isis still able to launch attacks like al asad air base an urgent effort is there and at other bases to train iraqi units. the u.s. now plans to sell iraq 175 abrams battle tanks and 1,000 humvees for nearly $3 billion. it's sending 250 mrap mine resistant vehicles and 10,000 m-16 rifles. all aimed at getting iraqi
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forces not just trained but armed to take their country back. >> now to another story we're following out of the middle east. a palestinian man is sentence for three life terms for allegedly planning the kidnapping and murder of three israeli teenagers last june. the israeli military court also ordered him to pay $63,000 compensation to each of the teenagers' families. after the teens bodies were found, jewish extremists killed the palestinian boy in an apparent revenge attack and israel's 50-day military encouragement into gaza lasted about two months. pyongyang has been denying claims they attacked sony. >> the ministry says the north
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actually has a cyber army. 6,000 people dedicated, they say, to creating havoc on line. one defector who claims north korean run businesses are in china and providing the perfect cover. >> the neon glow of a typical chinese city beneath the bright lights of an unusual sight. the flag of one of the most isolated countries on earth. this is the state-owned pyongyang restaurant. the waitresses are here on what's considered a prestigious three-year assignment. they stay they're offered the same university in pyongyang. nearby a joint venture between north korea and china. the art, like everything else pure pyongyang prof gan da. this is north korea state tv playing in our hotel room. >> hallways are kept dark, just like in north korea which struggles with electricity shortages. this is the biggest chinese city
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near north korea, a place where many from pyongyang come to work. this defector says they also come here to hack. it's easy for them to work secretly. it also has great internet infrastructure. north korean hackers operated secretly for years. kim says some of his own students became cyber warriors for the hacker network known today as bureau 121. by day, they worked regular jobs but they were work on orders from pyongyang. they worked out of the basements of north korean-owned buildings. he he says locations were kept secret and constantly changing. when they enter china he says they come under different titles. for example, an office worker an official with a trade company or even as a diplomatic staffer. north korea has a clons lat just
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minute from the hotel and restaurant. government officials reached by e-mail at pyongyang tell cnn they have no comment on the defectors claims. for its part china says it opposes any illegal cyber5 activity on its territory. in the middle of a bustling chinese city, a hub for north koreans and questions of what's really happening beneath the surface. >> after all of this it seems tony pictures is getting the last laugh. the north korean satire "the interview" has now become the best online earner ever. >> just as maymazing. >> sony says it's made over $31 million. that's just over internet sales. and rentals, and then add in the people who went to the few select, 300 theatres to see it. and "the interview" is now close to reaching its $44 million bug. >> this just goes to show, there's no such thing as bad
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publicity. people really felt the need to exercise their first amendment rights. i'm sure as all of you know it's about a cia flot to kill north korean leader kim jong un. the u.s. government blamed pyongyang but they're saying nope it wasn't us. denying all involvement. >> now, u.s. house speaker john boehner gets to keep his gavel. coming up how a challenge from conservatives may spell trouble for his leadership this year. >> it came very close, though, didn't it in and prince andrew makes a decision about sex allegations raised in a lawsuit. but a lawyer who eels also accused is taking a different approach. discover card. hey! so i'm looking at my bill and my fico® credit score's on here. we give you your fico® score each month for free! awesomesauce! wow! the only person i know that says that is...lisa? julie?! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and see your fico® credit score. narrator: this is the storm sea captain: there's a storm comin narrator: that whipped through the turbine which poured... surplus energy into the plant
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>> breaking news. this is a major break through for asia flight 8501. take a look at this video here. you can see the tail section of the airline has now been found. you can see the a and the x right there. this is a consistent with the air asia tail section. now divers have been taking photographs of the tail section. they're trying to go under watter to retrieve it. >> ships and planes will now focus on the secondary area where the tail has been located. and what's key is that the flights data recorder and voice order will be located in the ail section. but it's important to figure out which part of the tail section is found. you see tony fernandez says the
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black boxes are in the right side of the tail. and he says if the right section has been found, the boxes should be be there, but we've got to make this point, there's no word yet on whether those flight data and flight voice recorders have been found. they're frantically, of course trying to get to them. >> a lot of people will be holding their breath for that. u.s. house speaker house boehner has been re-elected to his leadership post despite a challenge from a small group of conservatives. here's martha shade. >> having received a majority of the votes cast is duly elected speaker of the house of representatives. >> house speaker john boehner has already had to stave off a power struggle. boehner and his allyies locked
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down as speaker. boehner address eded those who didn't vote for him in his speech. >> i ask that we disagree without being disagreeable. >> ted yoho and texas representative louie gohmert were boehner's republican challengers. prior to the vote yoho said it would come down to whether or not the republican party wants to head in a new direction. >> you've seen a ground swell of grassroots movement of people saying you know what i appreciate you offering us an alternative because i'm tired of the status quo. this is a vote against the status quo. >> yoho and gohmert received a combined five votes. though boehner managed to hang on to his speaker title, this latest attempt at a coup could throw off both chambers of congress. another expected hurdle for boehner -- trying to get approval for the keystone pipeline connecting canada and the u.s. the white house already said if the bill passes president obama will use his veto power.
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>> we indicated the president would veto similar legislation being considered by the previous congress and our position on this hasn't changed. >> prince andrew is not planning any legal action against a woman who named him in a lawsuit. the . >> alan dershowitz the author and lawyer has filed motions to erase the allegation naming him and to force the lawyers to support their claims in court. this is what he told cnn yesterday. >> you just have to look at the evidence, look at the plane manifestos look at my passport. call me, ask me, i can produce the witnesses. >> it sound like a law and order -- >> it's like scrawling something on a bathroom wall. i have never seen two lawyers like paul cassal and brad edwards engage in such unethical
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disbarable conduct. and i'm accusing them on your show of ethical conduct. i'ming myself up to a defamation lawsuit. >> the two lawyers representing the alleged victims did just what dershowitz was threaten to do and these two lawyers have now filed a suit accusing dershowitz of defamation. a lot of lawyer a lot of emotion. >> very, very messy indeed. we're going to take a quick break. we'll have more news right after this. kid: hey dad, who was that man? dad: he's our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab
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10:53 pm
>> let's update you on our top story. crews have found the tail section of air asia flight 8501. ships and planes are now focusing on the area where the tail is found, known as the secondary area. the flight data and flight recorder so-called black boxes are located in the tail section typically. >> we have no idea whether the black boxes have been found in the tail. here's what we know so far. this is what the ceo is telling us. it's important to figure out which part of the tail section was found. the ceo of air asia says the black boxes are in the right side of the tail. he says if the right section has been found, the black boxes should technically be there. but we don't know which side of
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the tail has been found. we'll of course keep an eye on that story and keep you updated. record cold temperatures have caused schools to close across the midwest. >> we have details on this u.s. midwest chill. the wind chills are dangerous across this area. we're talking about a region with a home of 70 million people in the advisories for wind chills and also warnings in place. you take a look at the early morning hours. roughly 7:00 8:00 in the morning. talk about 30 below 0 around chicago, nearly 40 below 0 in
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and around minneapolis for school closures in place as well. but the dip in the jet stream comes right here. this is kind of a massive setup as you open up the door for the arctic air across the area. if you're stuck in a traffic white what do you do? try to shake it off like taylor shift? >> the conditions again, i want to show you this graphic. this shows you the current perspective in chicago. it is 5 right now fahrenheit. minus 15 is what it feels like. look at miami. the place to be.
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that pattern warms up over the next couple of days. across the south freeze warnings and advisories in place. it looks like this will stick around for a couple of days. it will be sunny, but kind of misleading sunny across this region. >> and lucky, errol was just in miami, weren't you? >> remind me. shake it off like taylori ler swift? >> one of the top songs in the country. >> he's cool with the kids. thanks for watching, everyone. i will see you in one hour from now. >> i'm zain asher. we'll have rosemary church sitting in for me in the next hour. more top stories around the world.
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pedram javaheri. hello, and welcome to our viewer news the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. we do begin with this breaking news in the search for airasia flight 8501. crews have found the airliner's tail section. now, this is footage shot by divers who located the tail in the expanded side of the plane. searchers are looking for more debris this could be a major development. the airline's flight recorders, the so-called black boxes are usually located in that tail